Sludge Engineering - The treatment and disposal of wastewater sludges
by F. Dilek Sanin; William W. Clarkson, Ph.D.; P. Aarne Vesilind
Destech Publications, Inc (2010)
Intended for advanced students and practitioners of wastewater engineering, this comprehensive text clearly explains the theory and quantitative rationale for treating wastewater and industrial sludges, with public safety and efficiency in mind. The authors bring instructional and engineering backgrounds to the subject of sludge, presenting the necessary calculations as well as sample design alternatives for each process in sludge handling. The authors are fully attuned to the controversies surrounding sludge disposal and carefully lay out US and European regulations that govern current technologies. The book offers important information on emerging practices for safe and legal sludge disposal. Numerous case studies and sample problems are included for the benefit of instructors and students.
Product Details
No. of Pages 393