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Request CEU Transcript Certificate

CEU Requirements

Nova Scotia 

Class I,II – 2.4 CEU over previous 4 years

Class III,IV – 4.8 CEU over previous 4 years

Overall DRC, regardless of class – 4.8 CEU over previous 4 years 



There are no CEU requirements in Newfoundland. However, the Permits to Operate that are issued to all water and wastewater systems require operators to have 24 hours of training/education per year. 


New Brunswick

There are currently no CEU requirements for New Brunswick. 


Prince Edward Island

Class I,II – 2.4 CEU over previous 4 years

Class III,IV – 4.8 CEU over previous 4 years

Operator Certification

Operator certification helps protect human health and the environment by establishing minimum professional standards for the operation and maintenance of public water and wastewater systems. Operator certification is an important step in promoting regulatory compliance.  Each of the Atlantic provinces regulate their own certification programs with guidelines specifying minimum standards for certification and recertification in the province.


Please use the links below to access more information about the certification for the province of your choice.


Government Websites

New Brunswick - english

New Brunswick- français

Newfoundland and Labrador

Nova Scotia

Prince Edward Island

Exam Schedules

New Brunswick (Contact your nearest Apprenticeship Regional Office on these pages:  english & français)

Newfoundland and Labrador

Nova Scotia

Prince Edward Island


Online requests of CEUs obtained through ACWWA courses are available by clicking HERE.