ACWWA's volunteer corps is alive and well today, and needs people like you. Your tremendous knowledge, professionalism, and dedication to the industry are what will ensure ACWWA maintains involvement in current water and wastewater issues. Volunteering could be the best professional and personal investment you've made in years. Professionally, you will make valuable contacts, enhance your resume, and increase your knowledge of the water and waste water field. Personally, you can expect new friends, fun, and personal growth. Volunteering in ACWWA is also one more way to demonstrate your commitment to providing water and wastewater services for everyone. Finally, you would be doing your part to ensure the future and direction of both ACWWA and the profession.
The Volunteers Committee falls under the Membership Director and is comprised of:
Julie Stokes, NB
Aaron Ryan, NS
If you are interested in volunteering, please click any of the Committee names below to provide us with your contact information.
Young Professionals |
Water For People |
Education |
Government Affairs |
Magazine |
Cross Connection Control |
Membership (AWWA & WEF) |
Web Page |
Volunteers |
Technical Papers |
Operator Involvement |
Scholarship |