Currently, there are 4 ACWWA accredited training institutes that offer the Cross Connection Control (CCC) Tester Certification and Recertification Courses in Atlantic Canada.
Plumbing - Cross Connection Control Tester CourseThis course provides professional test preparation for the American Water Works Association (AWWA) Cross Connection Control testers examination. Course topics include: Cross Connection Control; operation, application and limitation of backflow devices and prevention methods; methods and devices for the protection of premises and internal containment of hazards; testing of backflow prevention devices. Plumbing - Cross Connection Control Recertification Course | NSCCThis professional level course provides the opportunity to update cross connection control knowledge and skills in preparation to write the required examination for recertification. Topics include new regulations, new test procedures, and practical testing. American Water Works Association (AWWA) cross connection control testers must be re-certified every five years. |
Cross Connection Control Recertification Course (ICCI1092B) Course Description: Students review backflow prevention assemblies in preparation for writing the certification exam for Atlantic Canada Water and Wastewater Association (ACWWA). |
Cross Connection Control - Certification - Continuum - CCNBThis course will enable the student to safely carry out installation and verification of backflow prevention systems, while following the procedures and standards of professional practice, as well as to prepare him to write the exam of the Atlantic Canada Water & Wastewater Association (ACWWA).
CCCONT — Cross Connection Control TestersIn this training, students review terminology and standards, assess hazards, select appropriate backflow prevention devices and practice installing, repairing, maintaining and testing these devices in accordance with standards. This training includes the preparation and testing for students to earn their certification. |
CCREC — Cross Connection Control RecertificationAWWA Cross Connection Control Testers must be recertified every five years. This course provides the opportunity to update cross connection control knowledge and skills and then to write the required examination for re-certification. This course is intended for members with certifications that are expiring. |